Saturday 23 October 2010

~The Powerful Healing Energy Of Reiki~ (via Serenity by Karen)

A wonderful article and very informative. Jules.

Reiki (pronounced Ray - key) is a the combination of two Japanese words - Rei and Ki. The meaning of the Rei is interpreted as: universal or spiritual, and holding a God-Consciousness. Ki means the same as Chi in Chinese, Prana, in Sanskrit, and Ti or Ki in Hawaiian - these words all translating to: Life force or life energy. It is the God-Consciousness called Rei that guides the life force called Ki in the practice we call Reiki. Therefore, Rei … Read More

via Serenity by Karen

Saturday 16 October 2010

The Emotional Healing Angels (via Erika Lyn Cook Blog)

The Emotional Healing Angels


"Angels descending, bring from above, echoes of mercy, whispers of love." - Fanny J Crosby Angels are spiritual beings directly from God sent to watch over the human race and to deliver God’s messages. These non-denominational beings are pure and divine love. They never judge us or look down at us; they always love us no matter what we do or don’t do. There are many different angels and each angel serves specific purposes. Each one has … Read More

via Erika Lyn Cook Blog

Thursday 14 October 2010

thank you (via the dream life)

A very inspiring and uplifting post...............Thank You.

for everything.

Thank you for the answered requests, the sudden gifts, the open doors, the signs in my path, your whispered love, the shelter of your arms, the knowing in my heart, the courage to speak.

Thank you for the pain. Thank you for the closed doors, the unanswered prayers, the silences.

Thank you for the cravings. Thank you for the tears. Thank you for the long, blank days.

Thank you for the days filled with wonder.

The glitter, the pillows, the dragonflies, the way the wind moves through the trees, the jokes I’m not expecting, the shoes that pinch my feet, the music in the night. I don’t know where it’s coming from.

Thank you for the answers you have given to me. The ones I asked for, the ones I didn’t.

Thank you for this bravery that sings in me.

Thank you for stepping with me, at my side, believing.

Thank you for the fear.

Thank you for the hunger that can never be met. Thank you for meeting it.

Thank you for false starts and blind alleys. Thank you for angels that carry me home.

These questions. This trust.

The love so big it shakes in my blood.

Thank you.

via the dream life

Reiki, the trees and the heron ... (via Matarikidimension's Blog)

A beautiful and uplifting post, Thank You. Jules.

Recently I have felt muddled. Muddled is the only way I could describe it really. I was going along .. actually flying along really and then things began to get wobbly. A bit of doubt crept in … trust was ebbing away and before I knew it I was wandering along in the dark.
It was not a `poor me’ darkness but more of a `where have my bearings gone ..?’ Ah … the questioning mind …
A while ago a woman who channeled Mother Mary gave me a message from her in which she said that once I learned to quiet my mind I would begin to hear Mary’s voice .. and this did begin to happen. One day ..out of the blue .. while I was out walking.
She spoke to me .. she spoke of the Mothers, she spoke of the energy of the Divine Feminine .. she spoke of many things. But what struck me most was her energy. This energy was soft and gentle with a strength. This, she told me was an energy which had been mistaken in times past. This softness, this love was looked upon as being almost weak .. ah .. but this is not true.
The energy of love is the strongest energy there is.
This energy can dissolve anything.
In the presence of this energy there is nothing else.
That is what is meant by `Love is all there is’.
Over the past few days I have pulled myself back a bit.My mind has got in the way of things. It began to question, to over analyse.
In order to quiet the mind I have gone within. I have been guided to exercise a lot .. to stretch my spine like an animal. Animals have the instinct to do what is needed with their bodies. We have lost this to some degree but if we listen to our body it will tell us what is needed. When we move our bodies a lot it can help to quiet the mind.
I have been drawn to Nature. A few days ago I had an incredibly sore crown. I was drawn to stand in a circle of very old trees which are near where I live. They told me to stand there and they would help take away the discomfort. It was amazing ..
And then .. of course .. my old friend the heron. The heron has been with me for a number of years in three different countries where I have lived in the last decade and each time he reminds me.
Balance – maintain your balance. In the midst of all of these changes it is important to focus on your steady place within.
In Reiki we call this point of balance, the seat of power,the tanden. Once you have been practicing Reiki for a good while and you have worked on this area you have the ability to stand while concentrating on your tanden and nobody can push you off balance .. physically or otherwise.
So …Reiki, the heron and the trees .. they have guided me out of the dark.
I have trusted that the guidance would come and it did. It always does. The main point of reference always comes from within. Your inner voice will always guide you home and in the presence of love .. that is all there is.

via Matarikidimension's Blog

Monday 4 October 2010

Self Empowerment Exercise.

This exercise is not a part of REIKI practise, but it's form is recognized within the white eagle lodge as the tree of life, and in martial arts practices as drawing down the sun.

The intent is to create a bridge between the earth plane and the spiritual using the body. Drawing the earth energy upwards and dispersing it outwards empowers each individual chakra. This exercise makes a good starting point for a workshop class. All breathing is through the mouth.

1. Stand with the feet shoulder width apart, and facing the sun, the moon, or the dawn as appropriate.

2. Raise your arms over your head, and form a triangle with the forefingers and thumbs of both hands. Use this triangle to frame the sun, or moon and focus it's energy into your third eye.

3. Bend down and allow your arms to drop in front of you, dragging the knuckles on the ground.

4. Then straighten up whilst taking a deep breath. As you do so intend that you are drawing power from the earth with your breath, pulling the energy up through your chakras.

5. As your hands reach your jaw, exhale forcefully, blowing into your palms. Continue to move your hands upwards beyond your crown chakra and outwards in a circular fashion.

6. Take an in breath as you bring your hands to your heart chakra level. Place hand over hand, with palms facing downwards, and push the palms to the base chakra level whilst blowing out gently.

7. Repeat the previous steps three, four, five and six, six more times to make a total of seven times, one for each chakra.


Tibetan Reiki Enegising Exercise.

This technique uses the Tibetan master symbol DAI-KO-MIO, and produces a charge of energy. A wonderful way to start your day or before doing healing work, meditation or passing attunements.
1. Stand up straight.

2. Locate the energy point on the shoulder blade, around four inches in from the shoulder joint.

3. Massage this point with a steady finger pressure, using a clockwise motion for about one minute. At the same time visualise the Tibetan master symbol DAI-KO-MIO, and chant it's sacred name in mantra fashion.

4. Repeat the process on the other shoulder.

5. Repeat the previous two steps three and four, another two times, so that part has been performed three times.

6. Make a fist with the dominant hand, and gently tap the centre of the chest for about one minute. Once again visualise the Tibetan DAI-KO-MIO symbol whilst doing this, and chant it's sacred name.
This final step stimulates the thymus gland, which aids the energising process.


Sunday 3 October 2010

My Certificates.

My Certificates.

First Ever Reiki Attunement.

Reiki Teacher/ Master

Seichem Teacher/ Master

Egyptian Cartouche Teacher/Master

Kundalini Reiki Teacher/ Master