Thursday 11 February 2010

Japanese Reiki Techniques 3. Koki ho - Healing with Breath. Gyoshi ho - Healing with the Eyes. Heso Chiryo ho.

All the following energy techniques are not just for reiki practioners but will enhance any energy work that you do. Great for Healing work, Meditation, Chi Kung or Tai Chi or just to balance your energetic systems.

Koki ho - Healing with Breath

"Koki-ho" means the way of healing with the breath. This technique does not seem to have directly survived in Takata Sensei's teachings. It indirectly
appears in many attunement sets where the Reiki Master "blows" the energy or symbols into the student. This technique is very useful to treat people that cannot be touched such as a burn or accident victim. It is also useful for those who do not want touch, such as someone that has been abused.
This is a focused way of healing with the breath. After connecting to reiki, breathe in through the nose. Gently blow out through the mouth with lips pursed. If you are unsure how to do this (laughs) watch a smoker exhale. The lips form a small round opening that the breath flows through. When doing this feel the reiki as you breathe in. Some "see" the reiki as a white light or mist that they are breathing in. You may feel the heat on the lungs, mouth and throat.

Gyoshi ho - Healing with the Eyes

"Gyoshi-ho" means the way of healing with the eyes. This technique does not seem to have survived in Takata Sensei's teachings. Energy flows from the entire body. You experience this directly when doing "Jyoshin Koki-ho" section in Hatsurei ho. It is said that energy emanates most strongly from the hands and this is why touch healing (te-ate) is taught first in Reiki. Energy also emanates strongly from the eyes and the breath. This technique teaches you to send reiki with the eyes. Like Ko Ki ho, this technique is very useful to treat people that cannot be touched such as a burn, accident or abuse victim. The essential part of this technique is that the look is compassion. For those with  Christian backgrounds think of a look that you have seen in a picture of Jesus of Mary. For those who have seen Kuan Yin statues think of the look of total compassion. The look is not a "stare", but a soft, relaxed, defocused look. It is said that all reiki is Karuna (compassionate action) and Metta (loving kindness). The essence of your being is loving kindness for all, your look is total compassion, reiki radiating out from the eyes.

This technique is simplicity itself. Simply look at where you wish to send.
Connect to reiki. You are reiki. With eyes relaxed, radiating loving kindness and compassion to all, feel the reiki flow through the eyes to the person you are treating. See or visualize the energy flowing into where you are looking. Just be reiki. You can move to various places to treat or simply know and intend that it goes where it will.

Heso Chiryo ho

Heso Chiryo ho is the way of naval healing. The hara is thought to be the center of the being. The naval sits above this and thus this is considered an important point in healing all diseases.
Begin by standing next to the person to be treated. Gassho and calm the mind. Doing the breathing with Gassho technique is a good way to connect to reiki and be mindful. State the intent by saying "I now begin Heso Chiryo ho". Place one hand over the naval with the tip of the middle finger in the naval. Feel for the pulse. When you feel the pulse you are becoming in resonance with the universal energy. Continue for about 5 minutes or so, until you feel relaxed and in balance and harmony. Finish by doing gassho and giving thanks.

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